The events Keith Lee engaged in are a prime example of why you have to love the business (that’s why I fell in love with it). Superstars who rise to prominence in WWE typically reciprocate back to their peers who helped them evolve as performers along their journey (Lee did this on July 15 by giving Dominik Dijakovic a match for both of his titles. The matches between Lee and Dijakovic in the latter part of 2019 made both men stand out in the eyes of fans – both men made each other better by reciprocating between one another). This is a very unselfish attitude and illustrates a very simple concept – you help people who have helped you in the past.
This can also be a basic metaphor for life. People generally have a reciprocal relationship with life – essentially you get out of life as much as you put into it. Think about it, life is nothing but an energetic exchange between people/objects. The more energy a person is willing to give (in an ideal world without receiving) towards anything, it only makes sense that they would get more energy for themselves out of the interaction which they can use for creative outlets or to be able to give that energy to other people. I try to be mindful of this in my own life by having the intention to make the lives of each person I come into contact with every day at least a little better because they came into contact with me.